Vaccinations Eagle Rock
Vaccines are veterinary medical injections that help your pet’s immune system fight serious illnesses and diseases. Vaccines can help lessen the severity of some serious diseases and completely prevent certain some common deadly pet illnesses.
Affordable Animal Hospital is here to help protect your pet’s health with some of the best quality pet vaccines Los Angeles has available.
Why Is it Important To Vaccinate Your Pet?
Veterinary experts agree that the increasing use of pet vaccinations over the last century has saved the lives of countless animals.
Vaccinations have also made some common animal diseases a thing of the past. Our vet recommends that all pets be vaccinated to ensure they are fully protected from a wide variety of contagious and possibly deadly diseases.
If your cat or dog is outdoors and has not been vaccinated, it is very common for them to pick up an illness or disease from another animal around. We very much encourage pet owners to get their pets vaccinated to prevent illness or disease.
Why Is it Important To Vaccinate Your Pet?
When designing your pet’s individual vaccination schedule, our vet provides both “core” and “non-core” vaccines. The difference between the two is in the necessity of the specific type of vaccination.
Core vaccines are foundational to maintaining a pet’s health and recommended for all pets. Non-core vaccinations may be recommended depending on your pet’s unique health needs.
Core vaccines: rabies (all pets), feline panleukopenia (cats), feline viral rhinotracheitis (cats), feline calicivirus (cats), canine distemper (dogs), canine parvovirus (dogs) and canine hepatitis (dogs).
Non-core vaccines: feline leukemia (cats), canine kennel cough (dogs)
How Often Do Pets Need to Be Vaccinated?
After your pet’s first round of shots when they are young, our veterinarian recommends certain annual vaccinations. A cat or dog should get updated vaccine shots each year.
Our low-cost pet vaccines in Los Angeles are excellent at keeping your pet healthy, but they do not last a lifetime. Regular vaccinations are needed to keep your pet’s health at its best.

Vaccinations for Cats
Vaccines work to help your cat’s immune system ward off specific illnesses and diseases. Having your cat properly vaccinated is a vital step to take for pet health and happiness. As your cat ages, he or she will need certain booster shots to maintain protection.
Vaccines are categorized as either core vaccines or non-core vaccines.

Vaccinations for Dogs