Spay and Neuter Los Angeles
According to the Humane Society of the United States, over 4 million unwanted pets have to be put down each year. The pet population has become a serious issue nationwide. While deciding whether or not to have your pet spayed or neutered is a very personal decision, vets encourage pet owners to consider having the procedure done on their pet.
Affordable Animal Hospital has some of the best results in low-cost spay and neuter Los Angeles has to offer and is also known as one of the best vet clinics in the Los Angeles area. Quality and care are our focus because our patients mean the world to us.
Happier, Healthier Life for Your Pet
Dogs and cats that are spayed or neutered are able to avoid many serious health issues. By removing your pet’s reproductive ability, you won’t have to deal with hormone-related behavioral issues such as aggression, territory marking, or the embarrassment of a pet that mounts other animals or people.
Spaying or neutering your dog or cat will leave you with a furry friend that is both healthier and happier. Los Angeles County has very tough laws on pet sterilization, and requires that most dogs and cats are spayed or neutered by the time they are four months old.
Having our clinic available that provides excellent results in services such as low cost spay and neuter in Los Angeles makes it easy on the owner. Some cats and dogs are exempt, including pets that take part in shows or competitions, guide dogs, police dogs, and professional breeders.

The Spay and Castration Surgical Procedure
Spaying and neutering are very simple, routine surgeries. Your Affordable Animal Hospital veterinarian is experienced in all spaying and castration surgical procedures. Here is a brief description of each:

What to Watch for After Your Pet is Spayed or Neutered
One thing to keep in mind is that even though it’s a simple procedure, a spaying or neutering is still surgery. After the surgery, your pet may experience a few days of grogginess or sleepiness. This is completely normal.
Trouble Signs to Watch for After Spaying or Neutering
While your dog or cat recuperates, your role as a responsible pet owner is to keep track of their behavior or healing process after their spaying or neutering. Watch for any possible trouble signs, such as the following:
- Your pet being listless or not moving for more than two days.
- Severe swelling or discoloration around the incision.
- Your pet gnawing or chewing on their stitches.
- Bleeding.
- Your pet having difficulty urinating or defecating.
Spay and Neuter: Dogs
Modern dog owners see spaying and neutering their pets a part of being a responsible pet owner. This wasn’t always the case. When dogs and cats became household pets, the number of unwanted animals exploded. Why? There were no reliable, humane ways to control the pet population. It wasn’t until 1972 when the ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), legally required all adopted animals to be spayed or neutered.
In the past couple decades, feral cat trap-neuter-release programs and the No Kill Movement in animal shelters have gained popularity. Spaying and neutering pets is important to not only controlling the pet population, but is important to your pet’s health and well-being.
Spay and Neuter: Cats
Affordable Animal Hospital is committed to providing the community with quality care at reasonable prices. Most cat owners understand that spaying or neutering a feline friend is the responsible thing to do. Spaying and neutering cats is very important in controlling the pet population, but also has the benefit of improving cat health and longevity.
Contact Your Veterinarian Today
Affordable Animal Hospital is here to help control our local pet population and ensure your pets’ health and safety.
Contact us today to schedule some of the best spaying and neutering we have to offer for all of your pets.